Specializing in Native American Crafts Since 1916

Sioux Beaded Quill Pipe Bag

Size: 26" L6.75" W
SKU: 900149486




Sioux beaded and quilled pipe bag. Bag constructed of deer hide and cotton sewn. Beadwork sinew sewn. Date on the bag most likely the year of its creation. The style of beading bears this out with the longer beaded panel taking about 2/3 of the bag, the more intricate and elaborate beaded design, and the beaded elements above the main panel. The date beaded into the design (letters, names and words) is also a post 1900 trait, though not exclusively so.

Condition: Quill loss approx 35% rawhide slat on one side not attached at bottom.

Circa: Early 1900s

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