Specializing in Native American Crafts Since 1916

Teec Nos Pos Rugs

This rug design, named for the Teec Nos Pos trading post is unique. Its design appears at first the most reminiscent of the Oriental designs introduced by the early traders in their attempt to revitalize Navajo weaving, but it is interesting to note that the trader at Teec Nos Pos, H.B. Noel said that the design was originated by a missionary in the area. This rug design is known for its wide borders enclosing geometric elements around a center of unusual bold geometrics. The Navajo Teec Nos Pos rug is typically woven using vegetal, natural, and chemical dyes. Early designs were often less colorful with the notable exception of a turquoise blue color and often contained feather pictorials. These early design elements often subtly find their way into the contemporary Teec Nos Pos rugs of today. The Teec Nos Pos rug is striking in design and color and is unique among all the other regional Navajo rug designs. Collectors usually like this design or they don’t, there is very little in-between.

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