Specializing in Native American Crafts Since 1916

Navajo Handwoven Third Phase Chief’s Blanket

Size: 49" L52" W
SKU: 900130321




Navajo third phase chief's blanket by an unknown artist. The chief's blanket is so-named because these Navajo woven blankets; warm, soft, naturally water-resistant, artistically beautiful , and skillfully woven, were greatly valued by the Native Americans of the Plains as well as the Southwest. These blankets were costly to obtain and were usually worn by chiefs or important headmen. This blanket beautifully designed with a background of black and white stripes outlined with red and alternating bands of black and gray. Over this background are patterned diamonds; a full diamond in the center, half diamonds at the edges, and quarter diamonds in the corners. The effect of this design was meant to be appreciated while worn.

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