Paul and Dorothy Gutierrez
Clay ArtistArtist Profile
Paul “White Corn” and Dorothy “Corn Maiden” Gutierrez were both born in 1940. Paul was born into the Santa Clara-Tewa Pueblo and later married Dorothy of the Navajo Nation. They were encouraged to learn the art of working with clay from several of their relatives. Paul has been working with clay since the age of 12 and Dorothy began experimenting with clay when she was in day school.
The couple specializes in handmade storytellers, Mudheads, nativities, angels, ornaments and animals. They sign their art: Paul & Dorothy P. Gutierrez, SCP. They are related to Van and Lela Gutierrez (grandparents), Luther Gutierrez (father), Pauline Naranjo (sister) and Gary Gutierrez (son).
Recent Work by Paul and Dorothy Gutierrez
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